When you suffer from an imbalance of your muscles, the joints and muscles in your body are not working together in the way that they should. When everything is working properly, opposing muscles apply an equal amount of tension and you have seamless movement of your joints. However, your body is a delicate, intricate system. It’s easy to throw off the balance of your muscles, whether you have actually had an injury or you move in a certain way, causing strain on your muscles. Over time, this can cause injury and impact your mobility. When you have muscular damage, your body needs to heal. Your San Diego chiropractor can help you to accelerate the process, restoring your muscular health and balance in the process.
When you have muscular imbalance, you may experience inflammation, tears, and strain on your muscles. The only way that they can truly heal is to avoid movements that could cause more damage. They also need time to allow collagen production to stimulate new growth in the damaged area. If you continue to do the same thing you have always done, you can expect your muscle imbalance to persist. The end result can be pain and loss of flexibility that is truly aggravating. However, if your body is allowed to heal, it will naturally begin the process of rejuvenation. Muscles will begin to repair themselves as collagen goes to work. Scar tissue is a part of the process and the muscles will need to be moved in the proper direction in order to avoid tightness and pain. Chiropractic services are helpful in improving the healing process.
Your chiropractor is an expert in the musculoskeletal system. With a full understanding of how the muscles and joints of the body interact, especially focusing on the spine, your chiropractor can help you to address any issues with balance. By manually manipulating your body to move in the proper direction and recommending exercises that you can perform at home, it is possible for you to strengthen your muscles. The main goal is to no longer have muscle weakness that can place stress on your joints or strain as you try to compensate for that weakness. Your chiropractor will pinpoint the source of your muscle imbalance through an evaluation, x-rays, and results that have been gathered from healthcare providers in order to get a complete picture. Once the source of the problem has been identified, it will be possible for you to regain your balance. You will learn helpful tips to avoid future injuries or imbalances. Place yourself in hands you can trust in order to help you to have a better quality of life. Your body can be poetry in motion once again with regular visits to your chiropractor.