Peripheral Neuropathy
According to the CDC, more than 20 million Americans suffer from peripheral neuropathy.
Our Treatment Program Consists of 4 Vital Components:
- #1 Electromagnetic Infrared Therapy – to increase blood flow and repair the nerve with Low-Level Light Therapy
- #2 Electrostimulation – digital electro therapeutic stimulation to assist in the growth of the nerves called Nerve Re-Education
- #3 Advanced Nutrition Therapy – proper nutrition to accelerate the healing process by affecting the complex processes of inflammation, blood flow, and bioavailable nitric oxide
- #4 In-Clinic Visits & Online Education – In synergy with your home infrared electromagnetic & electrostimulation therapy alone with neuropathy education, you will visit the office once a week for our in-clinic protocol
Common Symptoms:
- Numbness
- Burning pain
- Deep stabbing pain
- Cramping
- Walking with a shuffle
- Decrease in grip strength
- Loss of strength
- Inability to feel hot or cold
- Crawling sensation
- Freezing in hands/feet
- Medication side-effects
Common Causes:
- Diabetes
- Poor metabolic health
- Autoimmune disease
- Chemotherapy
- Chemical exposure
- Medications
- Infections
- Alcoholism
- Nerve impingement
- Kidney damage
- Liver disease
Common Lifestyle Changes:
- Medication addiction
- Balance problems
- Falls
- Hip and head injuries
- Wheelchair bound
- Amputation
- Sleep deprivation
- Independence
- Depression