3 Quick Sciatica Exercises For Sciatica Pain Treatment

Anyone suffering from sciatica pain knows how irritating it can be. Sciatica pain arises when the sciatica nerve is irritated or compressed. The sciatic nerve starts from behind your pelvis, through the buttocks, and down both legs and ends at your feet. Exercises are recommended for mobilizing the sciatic nerve and improving the flexibility of one’s lower back. When you start performing these exercises, you should aim at doing them once every day. These exercises can be complemented with cycling, walking, or swimming. It is advisable to seek advice from a medical practitioner before you begin these exercises. The following web page will highlight the symptoms of sciatica pain and describe three quick sciatica exercises for sciatica pain treatment.
Symptoms of Sciatica Pain
To determine whether you are suffering from sciatica pain, look out for any or a combination of the symptoms below:
- Pain on one side of your leg or buttock
- Pain on your leg or buttock is aggravated when you sit down
- A burning, searing, or tingling in your leg
- Numbness, weakness, or difficulty moving your foot, toes, or leg
- A piercing pain that makes it hard to stand or even walk
- Pain that moves down to your leg, the foot or toes
Exercises for Sciatica Pain
Knee to Chest Stretch
This routine improves lower back flexibility. Lie on your back and place a flat cushion behind your head. Bend your knees, ensuring your feet are straight and hip-width apart. Relax your upper body and gently tuck in your chin.
Bend one of your knees toward the chest and grasp it with both hands. Maintain this position for 30 seconds taking deep breaths. Repeat this action thrice, alternating legs.
Sciatic Mobilizing Stretch
This routine mobilizes the hamstrings and sciatic nerves. Lie on your back with a flat cushion behind your head. With your feet straight, bend your knees and keep your hip-width apart.
Bend one of your knees toward the chest and hold on to our hamstring with both hands. Slowly and gently straighten your knee while moving your foot towards you. Maintain this position for 30 seconds, taking deep breaths. Bend the knee to resume the starting position. Repeat this move thrice while alternating legs.
Lying Deep Gluteal Stretch
This routines lengthens and stretches the piriformis muscle – one of the muscles in your thigh. Lie on your back with a cushion behind your head. Bend your right leg and rest your left foot on the right thigh. Hold on to your right thigh and gentle move it towards you. Your tail bones should be on the floor and your hips should be straight. The stretch will have an impact on your right buttock. Hold this position for 30 seconds while taking controlled breaths. Repeat this exercise thrice while alternating legs.
Researchers estimate that sciatic pain affects 43% of the population. Sciatic pain develops gradually. Many people who suffer from sciatica feel better in a few weeks with non-surgical treatment and an exercise routine. Sciatica massages combined with these exercises may prove to be beneficial. However, for some, the pain tends to get worse calling for more advanced treatment. Consult your doctor for the best advice on treating your sciatic pain and to determine whether you are fit to engage in the aforementioned three quick sciatica exercises for sciatica pain treatment.